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     九月的晨风 (241 byte) 2005-09-03 21:25 (1286 reads)
     关于人人都是艺术家的说法之我见 (327 byte) 2005-08-27 8:57 (665 reads)
     关于艺术的社会功用的我见 (732 byte) 2005-08-27 8:39 (927 reads)
     lift it up here again, in respond, on arts and art appreciations (2698 byte) 2005-08-25 9:04 (1030 reads)
     lift it up here for an open discussion on (1388 byte) 2005-08-24 9:05 (718 reads)
     the 3rd one is my own experience (996 byte) 2005-08-22 9:23 (483 reads)
     another strenger's story (1327 byte) 2005-08-22 9:16 (575 reads)
     strengers (798 byte) 2005-08-22 9:07 (494 reads)
     话说数字相机的挑选... (707 byte) 2005-08-15 9:34 (2233 reads)
     既然自说自话,说说摄影吧... (591 byte) 2005-08-15 6:15 (641 reads)
     majority versus extreme group, then the social political environment... (3447 byte) 2005-07-18 21:30 (698 reads)
     提上来,和"红叶舞秋风":秃枝泣戚戾 (281 byte) 2005-07-17 3:03 (1053 reads)
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