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     过来人的车轱轳话:美国职业生涯中的基本技巧系列(五) (606 byte) 2005-10-28 8:11 (3961 reads)
     过来人的车轱轳话:美国职业生涯中的基本技巧系列(四) (1101 byte) 2005-10-28 7:53 (4568 reads)
     我本人认为美育十分重要.不过 (132 byte) 2005-10-28 6:47 (345 reads)
     这话题天大,但实在忍不住切齿 (1046 byte) 2005-10-27 18:01 (470 reads)
     i tend to agree phylosophically in general with you, while in particular (1186 byte) 2005-10-25 7:33 (346 reads)
     关于社交谈话注意事项的250见解.美国生活常识系列(三) (2695 byte) 2005-10-23 22:39 (3055 reads)
     关于用餐注意事项的250见解.美国生活常识系列(二) (3116 byte) 2005-10-23 22:20 (2374 reads)
     关于衣着得体的250见解.美国生活常识系列(一) (3751 byte) 2005-10-23 22:00 (8113 reads)
     兄弟,我说说看... (2340 byte) 2005-10-23 20:36 (848 reads)
     关于ANTARES和MEDIACHINA二位的问题与为自己的职业生涯发展准备的努力 (三) (2238 byte) 2005-10-23 20:21 (1398 reads)
     关于ANTARES和MEDIACHINA二位的问题(续) (2636 byte) 2005-10-23 19:49 (1023 reads)
     关于ANTARES和MEDIACHINA二位的问题与为自己的职业生涯发展准备的努力 (5542 byte) 2005-10-23 19:28 (1657 reads)
     sounds to me it is a more short term tactic, not a long term strategy (1164 byte) 2005-10-23 18:16 (516 reads)
     the prob is at your suggestion pointed to the wrong direction (261 byte) 2005-10-23 18:09 (516 reads)
     if you get to the level for the perspective, then you would understand (1188 byte) 2005-10-23 18:04 (573 reads)
     folllowing your logic, let's take a look (2216 byte) 2005-10-23 17:55 (738 reads)
     did you read any managerial books lately? (704 byte) 2005-10-23 10:25 (543 reads)
     if you cannot follow through, than you have not thought through, than you did not lie, that was a bull shit, only it may not work! (645 byte) 2005-10-23 6:02 (564 reads)
     check this scenario out (504 byte) 2005-10-23 5:42 (982 reads)
     watch out: not everyone likes the smart ass around the office. especially not your boss! that's where you won't score as a team member. (298 byte) 2005-10-23 5:27 (565 reads)
     过来人的车轱轳话:美国职业生涯中的基本技巧系列(三) (982 byte) 2005-10-22 19:29 (5476 reads)
     过来人的车轱轳话:美国职业生涯中的基本技巧系列(二) (1457 byte) 2005-10-22 19:01 (1799 reads)
     过来人的车轱轳话:美国职业生涯中的基本技巧系列(一) (1804 byte) 2005-10-22 18:19 (1977 reads)
     周末大众艺术角(十) 关于艺术语言 (575 byte) 2005-10-22 7:22 (1107 reads)
     周末大众艺术角(八) 关于风格 (368 byte) 2005-10-22 6:55 (959 reads)
     周末大众艺术角(七) 关于题材 (359 byte) 2005-10-22 6:42 (980 reads)
     周末大众艺术角(七) 关于载体和材料 (824 byte) 2005-10-22 6:32 (835 reads)
     周末大众艺术角(六) 关于技巧 (736 byte) 2005-10-22 6:06 (1017 reads)
     a drifter's perspective on life/culture/arts(3) (2695 byte) 2005-10-22 5:36 (1019 reads)
     情调不是小资专用词.... (345 byte) 2005-10-20 10:43 (518 reads)
     did not look at this one until saw the other one... (1175 byte) 2005-10-19 8:12 (277 reads)
     if you want honest opinion (565 byte) 2005-10-19 5:50 (330 reads)
     艺术的自信,自信的艺术 (234 byte) 2005-10-17 12:05 (286 reads)
     try again 为说明问题做的图例 (45 byte) 2005-10-17 2:38 (326 reads)
     周末大众艺术角(五)请你叫板:谁如何表达俺? (333 byte) 2005-10-15 20:51 (867 reads)
     周末大众艺术角(四)请你叫板:俺如何发现俺! (286 byte) 2005-10-15 20:38 (895 reads)
     周末大众艺术角(三)请你叫板:俺就是俺! (302 byte) 2005-10-15 20:22 (850 reads)
     周末大众艺术角(二)请你叫板:俺是...?去你妈的! (740 byte) 2005-10-15 20:12 (1071 reads)
     周末大众艺术角(一)请你叫板:谁说俺不是艺术家?! (583 byte) 2005-10-15 19:42 (966 reads)
     a drifter's perspective on life/culture/arts(3) (5746 byte) 2005-10-14 17:51 (923 reads)
     a drifter's perspective on life/culture/arts(2) (6370 byte) 2005-10-10 4:40 (1129 reads)
     生活/文化/艺术:闲汉唠大坷篇(一) (1569 byte) 2005-10-08 19:35 (1055 reads)
     RITA疏散记全本 (19392 byte) 2005-10-07 17:20 (1798 reads)
     the basic stuff you should know before proceed to a start up in USA: experience sharing series (3) (1915 byte) 2005-09-18 21:32 (887 reads)
     the basic stuff you should know before proceed to a start up in USA: experience sharing series (2) (835 byte) 2005-09-18 21:23 (822 reads)
     the basic stuff you should know before proceed to a start up in USA: experience sharing series (1) (591 byte) 2005-09-18 20:49 (1113 reads)
     stuff to share: american corporate politics (4) (1075 byte) 2005-09-10 21:38 (863 reads)
     stuff to share: american corporate politics (3) (2822 byte) 2005-09-10 21:29 (906 reads)
     stuff to share: american corporate politics (2) (4349 byte) 2005-09-10 20:03 (917 reads)
     stuff to share: american corporate politics (1) (3535 byte) 2005-09-10 19:31 (1111 reads)
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