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A message to all members of BankInnovation.net

The week started with the Fed’s takeover of Fannie and Freddie. By Wednesday we were talking about the future of Lehman Brothers. Who knows what Monday will bring, but we’re on it, and so are all the members who are active on the site! Thanks!

-JJ Hornblass posted a blog on how “Hysteria is getting the best of investors” in Lehman in this level-headed assessment. Go to the Homepage.

-Carl Selmasska offered some choice comments to the forum “Fannie-Freddie Conservatorship: Now That They’re Under Federal Control, What’s Next?” Check out his perspective. Go to Forum.

-JJ Hornblass also started a discussion in the Risk Management group on risk management challenge of any potential Lehman suitor. The Lehman situation raises notable questions about how risk management in general should evolve in financial services. Go to Groups.

-Mary Wisniewski cracked open a forum on Fiserv’s new mobile banking and payments application, because she wonders just how innovative is the just-launched product. Get in on the discussion. Go to Forum.

-If you are going to an industry event, start networking electronically by RSVPing to the event on BankInnovation.net, too. By RSVPing, you can interact with other attendees, even before the conference or expo starts. And if you don’t see the event you’ll be attending on our list, add it! Go to Events.

The action is heating up on BI.net and we’re glad members are joining in. When you get to the site, interact with other members and the forums, groups and blogs already there. This is the cutting-edge, people. See you online soon.

Best Regards,http://bankinnovation.net/main/admin/manage#

Victoria Fierson
Associate Editor

Visit BankInnovation.net at: http://bankinnovation.net